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Thermal XL2 ONLINE (2”, 3”)

The most popular line of fiscal printers on the Polish market, Thermal XL, is available in an ONLINE version. This is a device featuring wide application in any type of activity. This printer is available with two printing mechanisms: 80mm and 57 mm.


Net price: 2899,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 2” (standard display)
Net price: 2999,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 2” (compact OLED/stand-along)
Net price: 3049,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 2” (standard display + WiFi)
Net price: 2999,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 3” (standard display)
Net price: 3099,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 3” (compact OLED/stand-along)
Net price: 3149,00 PLN
THERMAL XL2 ONLINE 3” (standard display + WiFi)

Other versions of the device - estimated individually, manufactured as a pre-order.

Price provided a net retail prices offered now by Posnet Polska SA to device end users (users).
Colour option
Thermal XL2 ONLINE (2”, 3”)


Connect to the Central Repository of Registers, which is most suitable for you. Thermal XL2 ONLINE allows this in a couple of ways. Do you have a printer connected to POS via USB, and your POS has Internet access? Great, as you don't have to invest in an additional infrastructure in a store. Use the USB port to connect to CRK. Should you have such an opportunity, connect a printer to CRK via LAN/Ethernet - this is the quickest and easiest way. Do you need wireless communication? Order a WiFi printer. Please download a manual on configuring a connection with CRK in Posnet ONLINE registers (Quick OnLine manual - PDF).


The Thermal XL2 ONLINE fiscal printer allows you to send e-receipts. This will make you ready to introduce electronic sales receipts to your business. According to the new law, it is the buyer who decides whether he wants to receive a traditional receipt or its electronic version.


If you are in a need of a compact device, providing an optimum printing speed, holding various displays that you can select respectively to the place of sales - this printer is made for you. It also holds a crucial COM ports' forwarding option allowing you to connect additional devices to the printer e.g. bar code scanner, scale, and even an additional display.


We offer the Posnet Thermal XL 2 ONLINE printer in four construction options with various displays: standard LCD (with a tag), stand-along LCD, suspended LCD (non-standard offer, executed at the client's order), and build-in an OLED printer cover. Thanks to such a wide offer you have a freedom of choice of a printer best suited to your point-of-sale.


The Posnet Thermal XL2 ONLINE printer is perfect for large commercial centres, supermarkets, gas stations, or warehouses, as well as for cinemas, theatres, museums, or hospitals. It is often used by owners of hotels, restaurants, car showrooms, recreation centres.

Convenient servicing

Service channel is a communication interface that allows you to use service functions without affecting the operation of the sales program. This allows for convenient servicing of the device without interrupting work at the cash desk.

Technical data
Device version
Protected memory
SDHC card - 4/16/32GB
Communication with CRK
Ethernet, USB (net), WiFi* (*as an option)
possibility to programme any currency in which the fiscal module will register sale
VAT rates
7 (A...G)
Number of PLU
250 000
Printing mechanism
Type of printing mechanism
thermal Seiko "drop in"
Number of characters per line
  • 3 printing modes are available:
  • 56 characters (80 mm paper)
  • 40 characters (80 mm paper)
  • 40 characters (57mm paper)
Paper's width
57 mm or 80 mm (2”, 3”)
Paper roll length
100 m
Printing speed
47 lines
Paper cutter
Operator's display
joint with client's display
Client's display
  • alphanumerical LCD 4x20 characters - standard, stand-alone, suspended* (*on request)
Computer connection
  • Ethernet, RS232, USB, WiFi/Bluetooth*
  • WiFi/ Bluetooth (as an option)
Communication Protocol
Drawer' control
6 V, 12 V, 18V, 24 V drawer
Power supply
Power supply
230V / 24V
Battery build-in
AGM 12 V/1200 mAh, allowing to print min. 6000 lines
Dimensions, weight, temperatures
  • 158 x 242 x 232 mm (w x h x l) with a standard display
  • 131 x 149 x 171 mm (w x h x l) with a compact display
  • 131 x 139 x 171 mm (w x h x l) without client's display
~2.0 kg (paper incl.)
Scope of operational temperature
5ºC - 40ºC
Car accessories
  • Posnet SKL register drawer
  • Flip-top register drawer
  • large- and medium-sized register drawer
Key features
  • memory is protected with a possibility of remote data archiving
  • paper width 80 mm or 57 mm (100 m roll)
  • possibility to format fonts
  • change of register currency ("eurofiscalisation")
  • Buyer's NIP (tax identification number) print-out in receipt's fiscal part
  • VAT invoice printing (FV)
  • non-fiscal printouts - super-template
  • possibility to print 2D graphics and codes on receipts' header and footer, and non-fiscal printouts
  • Ethernet and communication ports - parallel handling of a couple of services with various TCP portals
  • COM ports forwarding
  • two options of display
  • vast adaptation possibility of the device, possibility to work horizontally and vertically
  • transaction monitor (helps to integrate printer with videomonitoring systems)
  • reminding about mandatory periodic inspection

The fiscal device communicating with the Central Repository of Registers (CRK, hereinafter referred to as the Repository) kept by the Head of the State Fiscal Administration. CRK collects a series of data i.e. daily reports, fiscal receipts, non-fiscal documents, events, as well as information about periodic reviews made.


The product meets the technical requirements necessary to handle e-receipts. The device will transfer it to the customer after connecting to the appropriate e-receipt distribution system. The condition for such an operation is the customer's resignation from the physical receipt.

Graphics on receipts

Each receipt and register printout can be supplemented with any black-and-white graphic in the header and footer. Using the Posnet Grafik software you can design what is about to be printed e.g. store's logo, supplier's paid add, or a single promotion.

2D bar codes

Bar code print-out (EAN128, EAN13) with any information facilitates finding a transaction later in the system. Two-dimensional codes (QR, DataMatrix, Aztec, PDF417) can be printed in receipt's, invoice's footer, and in any place of a non-fiscal print-out. They can contain e.g. links, discounts, etc.

Compact solution

Device featuring exceptionally small dimensions allowing to optimally use space at the cashier's counter.

Compatibility with 6V, 12V, 18V and 24V drawers

The device cooperates with the majority of drawers available on the market.

"Load and print" printing mechanism

System of fast drop-in-type paper exchange guarantees easy operation and efficient work.

Transaction monitoring

Function used to integrate the device with any video-monitoring system, allowing to preview cashier's transactions.

Tax Identification Number (NIP) of buyer on receipt

Possibility to print buyer's NIP in the receipt's fiscal part. Based on current provisions of law, buyer's NIP can be printed on receipts for a value over PLN 450 or EUR 100.

Faktura fiskalna

The printer allows you to print invoices and save them in JPK format in accordance with the requirements of the regulation.

Super-format and non-fiscal print-outs

Generating any non-fiscal print-outs, with content adjusted to individual needs of the user e.g. discounts, terms of use, terms of promotion, or information from loyalty systems.

Suspended display

It is an effective and space-saving way of displaying sales information for Clients. It can be put anywhere and the printer can be located.g. under a counter.

Robust construction

A solid, high-quality-materials' execution and care for details is a characteristic feature of all Posnet devices.


Submit your question


Data administrator

We, "POSNET Polska" S.A. with its seat in Warsaw, at  33 Municypalna street, 02-281 Warsaw, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Economic Division of the National Court Register, under no. 0000082030, NIP (tax identification number): 522-26-28-262, with the share capital paid in full amounting to PLN 100,000.00, are an administrator of your personal data.

Data Protection Inspector

We hereby designated a Personal Data Inspector with whom you can contact in matters connected with your personal data, in particular for the sake of execution of your rights in this respect, using the following contact form:

Objectives and grounds for processing

Your data shall be processed only for the sake of answering to a question addressed to an Administrator via the contact form. Legal grounds for processing shall be your consent for data processing (art. 6 sec. 1 letter a) of GDPR).

Data categories processed

We process you personal data provided in the contact form.

Data recipients

Your data can be disclosed to entities rendering for "POSNET Polska" S.A. IT services regarding operation of computer systems where your personal data are stored.

Transmitting data to third countries or international organisations

We do not transmit data beyond the European Economic Area nor to any international organisation.

Data storing periods

Your data provided in the contact form shall be stored until the end of communication with you on matters inquired by you in a contact form.

Rights of the party - data owner

You have the following rights:

  • right to access your data and to receive their copy
  • right to correct your data
  • right to delete your data (provided you have withdrawn your consent for processing or in your opinion there are no grounds for is to process your data, i.e. there is no ground to process data for the sake of execution of any contracts specified in sec. 3 above - you can require us to delete them)
  • right to limit data processing (you can demand for us to limit processing of your personal data in the following instances:

a) you question the accuracy of personal data - for a period allowing the administrator to check accuracy of such data;

b) processing is against the law or you deny to delete them, demanding instead to limit their use;

c) the administrator no longer needs your personal data for the sake of processing but you need them to determine, seek, or protect claims;

d) you objected to your data processing - until determining whether legally justified grounds on the part of the administrator take precedence over grounds of objection of the person whom these data refer to)

  • right to make an objection against data processing (to effectively use this right, you should provide us with details of you special situation which in your opinion justifies us to stop processing of data subject to the said objection. We shall stop to process your data, unless we prove that the grounds for processing you data by us are superior to your rights or you data are necessary to settle, seek, or protect claims).
  • right to make a claim to a supervising body (if you believe we process your data contrary to the law, you can make a claim to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office or to another proper supervising authority).
  • right to withdraw you consent for personal data processing (at whatever time, you can withdraw your consent for your personal data processing which we are processing under the said consent. Withdrawal shall not impact the conformity with the processing law, carried out based on your consent before it was withdrawn).

Information about the requirement/voluntary basis of providing data

Any data provided by you shall be done voluntarily.



Information about personal data processing - expand Information about personal data processing - collapse

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